November 9, 2016
On Sunday, November 6, 2016, the Board of the Minority Rights Coalition unanimously voted to add a chair for the Muslim Students Association.
With this expansion, the MRC at UVa now consists of the following 9 organizations: the Black Student Alliance (BSA), Latino Student Alliance (LSA), Asian Leadership Council (ALC), Middle Eastern Leadership Council (MELC), Native American Student Union (NASU), United for Undergraduate Socio-Economic Diversity (UFUSED), Queer Student Union (QSU), Feminism is For Everyone (FIFE), and the Muslim Students Association (MSA).
The MRC at UVa believes this addition will bring voice to a community not previously represented by the Coalition, and welcomes the MSA to the board.
Find out more about the MSA at their Facebook page or email them at msacouncil@gmail.com.